10 Reasons Why Social Media Marketing is going to Change in 2018

Brands are trying more than ever to connect with audiences across a range of social platforms. It is becoming harder for brands to hold the attention of customers for a longer time due to rapidly increasing competition and because of multiple options our attention span has decreased to 8 seconds. When a channel of digital marketing is trending, marketers should plan a few steps ahead. Many companies are increasing their investments in social media marketing, because it is a prescribed thing to do. Social media marketing could be very effective and could give best results if it is done strategically. Every company should be able to see how social media can amplify their content marketing and work towards their financial goals.

Nothing is permanent in this world, neither are the strategies of  marketing.

Social media platforms are changing all the time. So, what are some social media marketing changes that we could expect in 2018?

1. People would get more inclined towards Mobile and Internet Speed:

From last few decades, use of mobile has reached to such an extent that nobody can spend even an hour without using it. With a mobile device in hand, social media users can readily access content and real-time conversations. Today, the key to get success is through creative and informative content. “CONTENT IS THE KING”, it is the easiest and the most convenient way to spread the word around. When internet is so easily accessible, faster broadband may become a fundamental right for people and companies will be able to reach many millions of consumers with their content.

How easily and how quickly one can access to social media platforms will make it the first choice for distributing your company’s content.

2. New Brands could be seen like Never Before:

Social media marketing can generate conversations, mentions and discussions about a company/brand. Satisfied customers will spread the word about their favorite brands and products will divide people more than ever. Companies will need to monitor conversations on social media 24/7 and respond quickly. Social media will showcase brands like never before in this upcoming year.

 3. Videos will become Trendier:

It would be the year for companies to prioritize images in their content marketing. Day-to-day, the dependency of company/ brand is increasing on the visual content, as they could get the better conversions in comparison with written content. Customers recall visuals better, apart from that sharing and responding to visual content is easier and is quite interesting. Forms of visual content such as GIF, rich media, creative videos will become trendier in 2018 and beyond.

4. Enhanced Video Marketing:

Facebook and YouTube are going to dominate the social networks for your social media. More companies will invest in video marketing when they realize the reach and the value of social media channels. You can convince your audience to stick to your content for long through the visual content. And hence, you would be able to target your warmer crowd. It will maximize your Return On Investment (ROI).

Optimizing video content for search engines is necessary for every company’s digital marketing strategy.

 5. Encourage Purchases using E-currency:

The ease of payments using e-currency makes this an appealing way to settle the bill. Paying bills on social media, booking hotels and impulse purchases may just become the norm in the next few years. Marketing on social media will encourage instantaneous purchases using e-currency. 2018 seems to be too early to integrate with social media, but it is heading towards that way. In 2018, E-currency will take social media to the next level.

6. Social Media Marketing will be more Strategic:

In 2017, many companies are struggling to use different social media platforms and wondering what type of content would work best for them. While, this upcoming year would have a better understanding of what social media users want and companies will be able to post and engage in a more strategic way on social media. Social media marketing will gear towards ROI and better relationships with consumers.

7. More Customer Satisfaction due to More Personalized Content:

Certainly, firms that have loyal consumers stay in the market for longer time. Customer satisfaction speaks louder than any advertising media. Try to deal more personally with the needs of the customer and it will assure satisfaction which means guaranteed loyalty. More personalized content would reach its potential customers because it can get what they really want. You can attract more customers by getting in touch with what they really want, also you can get best deals.

For your company/ brand growth, customer satisfaction is really important.

8. Adapt to New Social Media Platforms:

Business need to keep an eye on their consumer’s behavior and should try to adapt new social media platforms that their consumers use. The stage is set for a new social media platform to emerge in 2018. In order to gain acceptance, the new social media platform will need a lot of users within a short frame of time to make it valuable.

9. Work with Digital Assistant:

A digital assistant works for retrieving information and provide the best service to the social media users. Marketers will need to work with digital assistants for their content to be found. They will need to create content that answer queries addressed to digital assistants.

This strategy tends to have more opportunities in dealing with the consumer with just one platform.

10. Privacy online is a concern for Internet users:

The demand for social media also creates a demand for increased online privacy. The most enduring social media platforms will be the one that offers the most security for users; marketers will need to prioritize security in their social media marketing as well.

Privacy would be more secured in social media marketing by increasing online privacy.


The trends of tomorrow will revolve around increased social media privacy, greater levels of user engagement and personalized social media content. Marketers need to understand customer’s behavior on social media. In particular, the focus should on creating better experience for consumers on social media.

I hope that you would use these tactics to grow your social media in the upcoming year 2018. Once you get through it, let me know your opinions in the comment box below. Thank You!!